Mount Pleasant Magazine Jan/Feb 2022

14 www. ReadMPM. com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com | www.MountPl easantPodcas t . com Volunteer to tutor a Lowcountry student this school year! Make an impact this year and beyond by singing up to be literacy mentor today! “Spending time with my reading partner was the best hour of my week!” -Karen, former Reading Partners tutor VISIT WWW.READINGPARTNERS.ORG OR CALL 843-860-3915 TO LEARN MORE ✓ No teaching experience is required! Our easy-to-follow curriculum guides you through lessons for young learners. ✓Just one hour a week! Make a difference for a young reader by volunteering just one hour a week. ✓Our staff is here to help! We provide support, training, and feedback to help you feel confident.