Mount Pleasant Magazine July/August 2023

88 www. ReadMPM. com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com | www. ShemCreekRes taurant s . com on an upper level. Now well above the potential flooding zone, Moore camped out in a tent for three days until the storm cleared. “Doing so made the experience more of a memory than an ordeal,” Moore said. “And while I wouldn’t want to be trapped in hurricane weather again, I was able to utilize a public place right in Charleston until the storm’s flood waters subsided.” So far during the 21st century, South Carolina has been affected by 22 hurricanes. Whether you are experienced or inexperienced in handling hurricanes, Cangialosi emphasized that there is no such thing as being too ready. “Even if you are already well prepared and knowledgeable, there may be additional things you could do or learn to be even more prepared,” Cangialosi said. “You may not always have to evacuate or have the luxury of sheltering in place, but you always have to do your best to be safe.” The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, headquartered in Washington, D.C., advises some simple hurricane safety guidelines, which can be found at the islands ACCESS A PIECE OF HISTORY Step back in time 33 years ago when Hurricane Hugo smashed into the Carolina Coast. This publication documents the destruction and chaos from Charleston to Charlotte. Published 33 years ago by Mount Pleasant Magazine