Mount Pleasant Magazine May/June 2022

www. ChsDent i s t s . com | www.MountPl easantPhys i c i ans . com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com 108 smiling faces www. oy s t e r c a n d l e com pa n y. com 2 1 6 s cot t s t r e e t & col eman b lvd - s h em c r e e k Oyster Candle Company & Coastal Gifts Ladies Night Every Thursday! Candle Making Classes! Local Gifts! ® TRUSTED COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL CARE Dr Carimi would like to invite you to visit our office for a full complement of services from cleaning to full mouth reconstructions. Our practice focuses on IV sedation for those that want to sleep through their dental procedures. This method is extremely safe, effective, and ideal for those with extreme dental anxiety. (843) 806-1212 • 1951 Clements Ferry Rd #201 Charleston, SC 29492 TO LEARN MORE, VISIT OVERCOME FEAR OF THE DENTIST with IV Sedation Dentistry Call our office today to request a Complimentary Consultation.