Mount Pleasant Magazine May/June 2022

60 www. ReadMPM. com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com | www.MountPl easantPodcas t . com easy to learn the basics of fishing. “We do seminars on Lowcountry fishing at the store and on our website,” he noted. “And lots of great guidance and tips are available to everyone on our YouTube channel.” If you’re looking to get in a little deeper and get out beyond the family-friendly shoreline, Captain Mike suggests renting a kayak to learn if that platform is right for you. Then, if you decide to become a boat owner, he recommends a good 22- footer. He said, “You can take more people and go in slightly rougher water, but you can still fish shallow creeks.” Two types of watercraft popular in Lowcountry waters are the flat-bottomed john boat and the outboard-powered Carolina Skiff. Whether you’re bringing home dinner or just bragging on the dock about the “big one” you caught and released, fishing is a Lowcountry outdoor attraction that’s ready for you and the whole family. Haddrell’s has classes to teach you what you need to know and can provide all the right gear, no matter which fishing journey you choose to make yours.