13 www.ReadMPM.com | www.MountPleasantMagazine.com | www.MountPleasantPodcast.com Because our community is rooted in the twin pillars of faith and family, I’ve wanted to create a cover like the one you are holding or digitally viewing for a long time. And while every issue of Mount Pleasant Magazine is special to me, this 2024 holiday edition has been one of the most exciting for me to publish as I felt it was important to feature an array of Mount Pleasant’s religious leaders within its pages. As I couldn’t ask our religious leaders to meet at a local church or synagogue to take the cover photo, I approached General Manager Jim Westerhold and Director of Marketing Rick Benthall at Boone Hall, and I am grateful that they both wholeheartedly embraced the idea of using their Avenue of Oaks as our backdrop. And honestly, y’all, I could hardly contain my excitement as we gathered to capture this epic photo. To have finally brought this vision to life and to share it with you is a dream come true for me. Meanwhile, I do have a confession to make. I do not wear my religion on my sleeve, nor do I go to church every Sunday. But every morning I remind myself to start the day with a heart full of grace and respect for humanity, while embracing and celebrating the life full of gifts and passions that I’ve been blessed with. So no matter what your beliefs are, or how you choose to worship, I hope you’ll enjoy this issue with our beautiful cover image and the story of how our community values supporting one another across all walks of life, as much as I’ve loved every step of the journey to bring this concept to fruition. Positively yours, Bill Macchio Publisher • Publisher@MountPleasantMagazine.com publisher’s note Winter Edition • VOL. 14, ISSUE 6 PUBLISHER BILL MACCHIO PUBLISHER@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM MANAGING EDITOR ZACH GIROUX EDITOR@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM ART DIRECTOR DANA COLEMAN PRODUCTION MANAGER BETHANY LONG BRAND AMBASSADOR STACEY MCLOUGHLIN STACEY@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM DIGITAL DIRECTOR BRITTANY GEORGE BRITTANY@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM DIGITAL/WEB EDITORS GEORGE CONKLIN ALLYAH HARRAR COPY EDITOR COLIN MCCANDLESS SOCIAL MEDIA/EVENT COORDINATOR JOHANNA ROGERS JOHANNA@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM ANTHONY MACCHIO SOCIALMEDIA@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM AD DESIGNERS BETHANY LONG KIM HALL TECHNOLOGY GEORGE CONKLIN BRIAN SMITH WRITERS ISABEL ALVAREZ ARATA • KATIE FINCH MAURICE FRAZIER • BRITTANY GEORGE ALLYAH HARRAR • WILL HAYNIE • LORNA HOLLIFIELD CARI LAWSON • CLARK LEACH • COLIN MCCANDLESS JOHANNA ROGERS • SARAH ROSE • ANNE TOOLE BROOKE WATSON PHOTOGRAPHER MARK STAFF INDEPENDENT MEDIA CONSULTANTS STACEY MCLOUGHLIN STACEY@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM BRITTANY GEORGE BRITTANY@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM SARAH ROSE SARAH@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM ALLYAH HARRAR ALLYAH@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM JOHANNA ROGERS JOHANNA@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM PAUL SMITH PAUL@MOUNTPLEASANTMAGAZINE.COM ADMINISTRATION & BOOKKEEPING GINGER SOTTILE BOSS DOG REGGIE DISTRIBUTION U.S. POST OFFICE • HARRIS TEETER • PUBLIX • CVS Mount Pleasant Magazine is published locally by a team of independent contractors. Mount Pleasant Magazine is published six times per year by Media Services, Inc. 1013 Chuck Dawley Blvd., Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Copyright © Media Services 2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction electronically or in print format without the expressed written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited and a violation of U.S. copyright laws. Inquiries to: Mount Pleasant Magazine P.O. Box 22617, Charleston, SC 29413 843-881-1481 Info@MountPleasantMagazine.com Beyond Blessed! St. Andrew’s Church Bishop Steve Wood and Publisher Bill Macchio.