32 www.ReadMPM.com | www.MountPleasantMagazine.com | www.MountPleasantPodcast.com is a state of harmony between man and the land.” But is that possible in a bustling municipality that is surrounded on three sides by water and a national forest on the other? To protect our fragile marine ecosystem as well as our seafood industry, Mount Pleasant was the first major municipality in the state to pass a single-use plastic bag ban. We continue to spend tens of millions of dollars that will result in cleaner water by improving drainage and removing septic tanks. At this year’s statewide South Carolina 7 Resiliency Conference, we received the statewide award for Excellence in Conservation Leadership. Town council recently established our own funding mechanism using a 1 mill tax increase dedicated strictly for the purchase of green space. Our efforts to live in harmony with nature are being noticed. When I was growing up, Elton John recorded a wonderful song called “Harmony.” A line from it still resonates in my head: “Harmony and me, we’re pretty good company.” I think that resonates for our community, too, and we intend to keep working on it. our town Mount Pleasant Town Hall. With three locations in Mount Pleasant, you do not have to go far to simplify your banking. Learn why we have been a local favorite for more than 85 years. scfederal.org BANKING ON WHAT MATTERS MOST Insured by NCUA