90 www.ReadMPM.com | www.MountPleasantMagazine.com | www.MountPleasantPodcast.com Surrounded by picturesque views of marsh and creek, the charming one-room Pawleys Island Chapel, also known as Pawleys House of Worship, is an iconic structure that attracts locals and tourists of all denominations. Photographers and artists are also drawn to the chapel for its historical appeal and its juxtaposition against the idyllic sunsets for which the area is renowned. “The chapel means a lot to so many people,” said Betsy Altman, owner of Pawleys Island Real Estate Company. “And all are welcome here.” Once a Pentecostal Holiness Church in neighboring Georgetown, the chapel was deconstructed by the Georgetown Laymen’s Evangelistic Club (chartered in 1945) and moved to Pawleys where in 1946 it was rebuilt on marshland donated by Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Porter who lived across the street. Listed in the deed for the chapel is a condition that the structure could be used “for the sole and only purposes of religious worship.” Sermons by the Sea History of Pawleys Island Chapel BY SARAH ROSE on the coast