Mount Pleasant Magazine Sept/Oct 2021

44 www.MountPl easantPodcas t . com | www. ReadMPM. com | www. I LoveMountPl easant . com W hether you’re new to this area or a lifelong resident, it’s easy to forget what’s in your own backyard, or in this case, 10 minutes over the bridge. While there’s plenty of history in Mount Pleasant to appreciate, a visit to the Holy City helps us keep our own in perspective. This October, some of Charleston’s finest architecture, garden spaces and heritage will be on full display by the Preservation Society of Charleston’s Fall Tours and Master Series. Not only will these walks, curated by architects and historians, present a rich understanding of the city’s past, they will shine a light on pressing issues that threaten Charleston’s existence. By strict definition, to preserve means to keep intact, and that is exactly what the Preservation Society’s mission is: to keep Charleston intact for the next generation to enjoy. The organization works hand-in-hand with city officials and partners with other like-minded advocates to push a thoughtful agenda that encompasses livability, authenticity and resiliency. The Preservation Society is 101 years old and was started by Susan Pringle Frost, who was described by Anna-Catherine Carroll, current manager of Preservation Initiatives, as “a pioneering, progressive-thinking woman for her time who saw preservation not as a reactionary BY PAMELA JOUAN This Is Our City Fall Tours and the Preservation Society of Charleston