Mount Pleasant Magazine Sept/Oct 2021
88 www.MountPl easantPodcas t . com | www. ReadMPM. com | www. I LoveMountPl easant . com end-all be-all when it comes to PTSD. In the absence of a service dog, the companionship of a well-trained dog at home can be of great benefit to some. Working with organizations such as OPFOB and getting outside to enjoy the naturally therapeutic benefits of the outdoors is highly recommended. The key thing for families to understand is that some things will simply never be the same for their family members who suffer from PTSD, but there is no need to enable negative coping behaviors. Empower the individual to learn to live life to the best of their ability and reach out to organizations and people willing to help them do so.” While Sadie was acquired and trained privately and continues her training daily through real-life experiences, there are other resources and organizations that support veterans in their pursuit of service animals. For more information, contact the VA or your health care provider, or visit and . feature Ser v i ce dog Sad i e wa l ks a l ongs i de John Beahm. Photo by J eanne Tay l or Photography. FREE Initial Physical Exam for New Clients Coupon must be present at time of service. 3373 S. Morgans Point Rd., Ste. 301 • Mt. Pleasant SC 29466 (843) 884-9838 Hours : Monday-Friday 8am-6pm • Saturday 8am-1pm • Insta ® Thank youMount Pleasant for voting for us! For the safety of our staff and clients, we ask that you wear a mask when in the build- ing. We are still offering curbside appointments as well. Please call as soon as you arrive, and someone will be out to assist you. STAYING STRONG FOR OUR COMMUNIT Y AND THE PETS WHO HELPED US GET THROUGH COVID-19
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