Mount Pleasant Magazine March/April 2023

37 www. ReadMPM. com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com | www.MountPl easantPodcas t . com Street with a figure on a napkin presented as an offer to the American Tobacco Company. He informed Pam and I that it was not a legend, that he had indeed bought the building for $250,000 after writing that figure on a napkin during a lunch meeting. Something about that story embodied all that he was — the real deal, no pretension, just the Arthur Ravenel Jr. born here in Charleston, raised tending cabbage, corn and cattle. It was the Arthur destined to hold many offices, have many successes and touch many lives. That is just what he did, and he achieved it directly, simply and beautifully — in true Charleston fashion. our town Ar thur Ravene l wi th h i s f ami l y. . Ar thur Ravene l wi th h i s wi fe Jean . Deep within you, lies unconditional love, happiness and peace. The heart of my work is to guide you there. Whether you need deep relaxation, self connection, support and guidance on your life’s journey, or healing from past memories, experiences and relationships… Onsite or Online: I amwith you. My name is Romain Bester: certified energy therapist and mindfulness instructor. I am here to bring you back to the essence of you. Scan QR or visit to learn more.