Mount Pleasant Magazine May/June 2022

33 www. ReadMPM. com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com | www.MountPl easantPodcas t . com BY J ENNY HARR I SON Coaches mean a lot to children as they grow up. These adults are often their first mentors and role models. That bond is even more unique when the coach also happens to be Mom or Dad. Four families in Mount Pleasant show just what it means to lead their kids both at home and at the game. Fritz Miller, head coach of the competitive U/12 girls’ soccer team at Cainhoy Soccer Club, coached his 15-yearold daughter Amelia for seven years, and has been coaching his 12-year-old daughter Karlie for six years. A former competitive youth player, Fritz was thrilled to see his daughters take a liking to soccer. “Coaching my children has been one of the most rewarding experiences a father could have with his kids,” he said. “The most rewarding aspect of coaching your own child is seeing their progression and development through making mistakes and working hard to get better.” Although finding the fine line between coach and parent is often challenging, Fritz reminds himself to be patient and just enjoy watching his children learn from their mishaps. “Kids are under so much pressure from all directions,” he said. “But what’s most important is that they have fun and develop.” Unlike Fritz, who grew up playing his favorite game, Christine Zamboki found herself amid a brand-new adventure. When the Isle of Palms Recreation Center reached out to parents in need of volunteers to coach youth basketball, Christine stepped into the role of head coach and volunteered her husband Pete as assistant of feature Kar l i e Mi l l er Fr i t z Mi l l er wi th U-12 gi r l s team Photo prov i ded. Photo by Mar k S ta f f Photography.