Mount Pleasant Magazine March/April 2023

63 www. ReadMPM. com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com | www.MountPl easantPodcas t . com feature About a decade after the commercial birth of the South’s favorite cheese, Brian Henry felt what he calls “a pull, not a push” to become mayor. A respected town business owner and family man who was known to care about the future of the island, he decided to run for the seat at the urging of other townspeople who hoped to keep Pawleys Island the wonderful hideaway it is. He won. “I was never interested in politics,” he remembered, “I’ve just always been involved. If you care about something being better, you can’t just sit on the sidelines and watch. You have to get in there.” So, he got in there. He now speaks with pride about the amazing Fourth of July celebration that is “true Americans,” and about the founding of organizations that can keep big box stores and over-development out of Pawleys Island. “The goal for the island is to maintain,” Henry offered. “Like the bumper sticker on my truck says, ‘love it and leave it alone.”’ Though sameness is the path to success for the island itself, the Henry’s still strive for more growth on the business front. The two are in the process of expanding their small Pawleys Island business Get Carried Away Southern Market into Mount Pleasant, where they hope to establish a flagship store for a future franchise. The business currently focuses on scrumptious Southern catering and take-out made easy. The Henry’s aren’t sure what the future holds for this venture, but once again, they are doing it together under a sky, not a ceiling. Reflecting on all the accomplishments, Brian Henry recounted with a nostalgic tone, “Seaview was the genesis. This all happened because we bought that inn 20 years ago.” Perhaps the inn is the energy source, embodying the soul of Pawleys Island itself. That is a soul of humility, simplicity and staying power. Just never forget, it is a soul powered by the force of all the Atlantic, which comes in and fades back every single day. The f amous Pawl ey ’s I s l and Seav i ew I nn . Sas sy ’s s i gnature pimento cheese that became the nat i ona l l y adored Pa lmet to Cheese. For more information about the Carolina Coast from South Strand to Charleston E-mail or call 843-530-0403. Getting to know the HAMMOCK COAST SPECIAL HAMMOCK COAST EDITION MARCH/APRIL 2022 C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S • B E A U T I F U L H O M E S LuxuryHomes GEORGETOWN DEBORDIEU PAWLEYS ISLAND Get Inspired Beautiful Homes of Coastal Carolina Spring Events From Pawleys to Folly Get Out and Golf Six Courses to Play C O A S T A L R E A L E S T A T E I N F O W W W . V O I C E F O R R E A L E S T A T E . C O M Home in DeBordieu photographed by Don Hovis of Tides Eye Photography.